AcceleDent Doesn’t Live Up To Claims

“AcceleDent is a handheld device that fits over your braces and emits gentle pulses that its makers claim speed up orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. Stosich. “There’s one problem with that, however – no study published in a peer reviewed publication supports these claims. The only studies that do support this are the ones paid for and published by the company itself.”
And Dr. Stosich says that should be warning sign.
A study published just recently performed by an Australian dentist and published by the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics sought to find the same results that AcceleDent claims in its marketing materials.
The studied followed adolescent patients with braces, some who used AcceleDent for 20 minutes each day, and some who did not. At the end of 10 weeks, the orthodontist found no differences between the two groups, in any of the claims AcceleDent has made.
AcceleDent claims that the gentle pulses emitted by the device can accelerate treatment time by up to 50% and relieve discomfort associated with orthodontic treatment. But the problem is, there is a lot of hype and not a lot of results.
“I discuss with my patients all the time that orthodontic treatment is a commitment,” says Dr. Stosich. “Unfortunately, there are just no quick fixes when it comes to straightening the teeth. But what can absolutely have an impact on how efficiently your teeth move is the orthodontist you choose.”
Dr. Stosich is dedicated to providing his patients with the highest level of care, which includes the most efficient and effective orthodontic treatment options available. Using 3-D imaging and customizable brackets, and insuring every patient has individualized care can absolutely have a positive impact on how well a patient’s teeth move.
“My advice to someone who wants to have their teeth move as quickly as possible it to avoid spending extra money on gimmicks, and instead spend time researching the best orthodontist possible,” says Dr. Stosich. “My patients often enjoy shorter treatment times, not because I have them purchase the latest hyped product, but because I marry science and precision. Scientifically backed models for moving teeth efficiently and effectively will beat out silly devices like AcceleDent every time.”
Real Patients’ Feedback About Their Experiences Using Acceledent
Miles, P., Fisher, E., & Pandis, N. (2018). Assessment of the rate of premolar extraction space closure in the maxillary arch with the AcceleDent Aura appliance vs no appliance in adolescents: A single-blind randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 153(1), 8-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2017.08.007
Woodhouse, N., DiBiase, A., Johnson, N., Slipper, C., Grant, J., Alsaleh, M., Donaldson, A., & Cobourne, M. (2015). Supplemental Vibrational Force During Orthodontic Alignment: A Randomized Trial Journal of Dental Research, 94 (5), 682-689 DOI: 10.1177/0022034515576195