Invisalign by iDentity Can Treat More Patients

I love the idea of Invisalign. But I have a pretty severe overbite, and I’ve read that Invisalign probably won’t work for me. Why not?
Kelly T.

When Invisalign first came on the market, it was limited in the types of malocclusions it could correct. It provided great results, but was only really used for mild orthodontic issues.But there is good news. In the hands of the right orthodontist, Invisalign aligners can treat a host of malocclusions.
I have had great success treating patients with more complex issues involving bite misalignment, and more severe tooth alignment issues, including overbites. You don’t necessarily need metal braces to correct these issues, but you do need an orthodontist with plenty of experience using Invisalign to treat these kinds of issues. Custom clear aligner therapy from Stosich Consulting is extremely efficient, even with the most complex malocclusions.
One of the reasons why some providers may discourage patients from using Invisalign is because they fear it lacks the control that fixed metal braces can provide. In some cases, to get the ideal smile at the end of treatment, we need to create an anchor point that allows the aligners to push or pull the teeth. We can use buttons, attachments and rubber bands with Invisalign, and can even use temporary anchorage devices, or TADs, to get the best outcome.
The use of buttons and attachments allow a skilled orthodontist to use Invisalign to treat almost any case that could be treated with metal braces. If you are interested in learning more about how clear aligners may be able to help you, contact my office and we can discuss Invisalign by iDentity.
Dr. S.

My dentist recently told me he didn’t think I’d be a good candidate for Invisalign, and I should prepare myself for the idea of metal braces. I really want to improve my smile, but I’ve waited 45 years to do it, and really want the convenience and esthetics of Invisalign. I have a pretty severe open bite, and I’m ready to correct it. But I’d really like to use Invisalign to do it!
Jonathan N.

Without knowing your individual case, I can’t tell you for sure if Invisalign is right for you. But, I can tell you that in the right hands, Invisalign can be effective in closing open bites.Correcting open bites can be unpredictable, and frustrating for some because they are often very complex. We sometimes see issues such as tongue thrusting that contribute to the open bite, so there are issues besides just correcting the teeth that need to be worked on.
I’ve developed unique methods to treat all types of cases. Custom clear aligner therapy with Stosich Consulting is the most efficient because it utilizes the technology to its full potential. I performed my orthodontics residency at the leading digital orthodontic institution in the world, and was specially trained in Invisalign treatment there.
All cases should be seen by an orthodontist, not a general practitioner (Learn more: What’s the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist?,) as only a certified orthodontist has the education and training to fully understand how the teeth, jaws and facial muscles work together. I’ve dedicated my career to staying on the cutting edge of orthodontic treatment, and developing methods that will help my patients achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time possible. Invisalign is an amazing treatment option, and in the hands of a skilled, certified orthodontist, can be every bit as effective as metal braces.
Dr. S.