Which Orthodontic Treatment is the Fastest?

Grayslake, IL – Orthodontic treatment is a commitment – it takes time to move your teeth into their ideal positions. But, are there treatments that may be faster than others? If you want your treatment to go by as quickly as possible, what treatment should you choose?
“Probably the most common question I get asked, after how much braces cost, is how long treatment is going to take,” says Dr. Michael Stosich of Stosich Consulting. “People lead busy lives and are anxious to show off their new smiles. However, there isn’t a cut and dry answer to this question, for several reasons.”
Dr. Stosich works hard to provide the most effective and efficient orthodontic treatment found anywhere. His hard work and research have led to advances in guiding teeth more efficiently through bone. He carefully crafts each treatment plan for every individual patient to meet his or her specific needs, with the goal being a beautiful and properly functioning smile in the shortest amount of time possible.
However, when it comes to orthodontic treatment time, there are several factors that come into play, that Dr. Stosich has discussed before. First, your orthodontist, no matter how well trained, is not going to know ahead of time how your body is going to react to treatment. Some mouths respond much quicker than others, while some take a bit more time.
Next, you play a very important role in your own treatment. In order to ensure your treatment progresses as it should, you must hold up your end of the bargain. That means following all care instructions from your orthodontist. If you are asked to wear elastics to help position your jaw, it is important that you wear them as directed to ensure your treatment proceeds properly. If you wear clear aligners, you must wear them the number of hours in the day recommended so that they can do their job. If you don’t put your work in, it doesn’t matter what treatment you’ve chosen, your treatment will take longer than it should.
The severity of your malocclusion will also affect your treatment time. If you have a severe crossbite, your treatment may take longer than someone who has mild crowding.
“When treatment is beginning, we can typically offer a window of time for how long we think treatment will take, based on the severity of the malocclusion, and results we’ve gotten using the same treatment previously,” says Dr. Stosich. “However, I always caution people to be wary of an orthodontist who offers promises or guarantees on treatment lengths, or who recommends the use of additional tools and tricks to speed treatment up. The truth is, it takes a lot of careful planning and hard work to ensure more efficient treatment times, not additional gimmicks or tricks.”
At the end of the day, the biggest factor in determining how quickly your orthodontic treatment may be able to go is the experience of your orthodontist. In the hands of a highly skilled orthodontist, any treatment option can achieve a straight, functioning smile in a more effective and efficient way. Dr. Stosich uses evidence-based care and careful scientific planning that, luckily for his patients, often results in faster treatment times and increased comfort levels.
“I have spent my professional career dedicated to enhancing the efficiency of moving teeth,” says Dr. Stosich. “There are no gimmicks or quick fix treatment options that can match the knowledge gained from research and hands on experience. My patients benefit from my dedication to precise planning that often results in faster treatment times and long-lasting smiles.”
To learn more about how your smile can be transformed, call Stosich Consulting today at 847-548-4200 (Grayslake) or 224-408-2200 (Kenilworth).