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How To Avoid White Spots During Orthodontic Treatment

Braces Cause White Sports Not

Have you had friends get braces, only to have white spots on their teeth once the braces were removed? No matter what you may have heard, these spots are completely preventable and it’s up to you to prevent them.

“The main cause of white spots on the teeth during orthodontic treatment is poor oral hygiene,” says Kenilworth orthodontist Dr. Michael Stosich. “Failing to brush properly leads to de-mineralized areas of your teeth. And no matter what anyone may tell you, they are caused by poor brushing and are 100% preventable.

In order to ensure your mouth stays healthy, it is important to properly brush and floss your teeth. This can be a bit trickier while you’re in braces because the brackets and wires create nooks and crannies where food particles can get trapped. But, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to your oral hygiene while you are in braces.

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Retainers

Retainers Guide

1- Retainer 101 – Why do patients need retainers, when are they used, why are they important?

    • Why are retainers used in orthodontic treatment?
      Retainers are used to retain the new teeth position after the smile has been corrected through braces or iDentity clear aligner treatment.
    • Why are retainers sometimes used before braces treatment?
      Retainers are not used prior to braces. Phase 1 orthodontic appliances may resemble retainers, however, they are not – retainers are used only after treatment to ensure the teeth retain their new locations.
    • Why are retainers so important during orthodontic treatment?
      Retainers are a crucial part of your orthodontic treatment. If you have worn braces or had iDentity clear aligner treatment, you’ve worked hard to ensure a beautiful smile at the end of that treatment. But, if you won’t wear your retainer exactly as your orthodontist recommends, you may see that smile start to slip away.

AcceleDent Doesn’t Live Up To Claims

If you are in braces treatment, chances are good you’ve fantasized a few times about a magical way to speed up your treatment so you can enjoy your new smile. The manufacturers of orthodontic device AcceleDent claim they have it. Kenilworth and Grayslake orthodontist Dr. Michael Stosich says don’t be fooled by great marketing. “AcceleDent is a handheld device that fits over your braces and emits gentle pulses that its makers claim speed up orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. Stosich. “There’s one problem with that, however – no study published in a peer reviewed publication supports these claims. The only studies that...

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Are Extractions Necessary Before Orthodontic Treatment?

Extractions Before Orthodontic Treatment
Peter, the patient
Dear Dr. Stosich,
My child’s dentist said that he is too old to still have baby teeth, and recommends that we have them all pulled now. He’s only 11, and I’m worried about what pulling teeth too early will do for future orthodontic work. The dentist claims that we should pull the teeth now to make the orthodontist’s job easier. But are teeth always pulled before beginning orthodontic work?

Avoid DIY Orthodontics and Quick Fixes

Avoid DIY Orthodontics
Peter, the patient
Dear Dr. Stosich,
I’ve got a space between my front teeth that I’ve hated my entire life. I don’t want to get braces just to fix the gap, but a friend recently told me about a video she saw on YouTube, where a woman closed the gap between her teeth with just some rubber bands. It sounds pretty easy, and it would be cheap and save me the headache of having to wear braces and schedule orthodontic appointments. My mom says no way, but I think it’s worth a try. What do you think?

Why Choosing the Right Orthodontist Matters?

Choosing the Right Orthodontist
Peter, the patient
Dear Dr. Stosich,
Our family dentist has told us our son needs an orthodontic evaluation. There’s an orthodontist in the same office complex as our dentist, which is a convenient location for us to get to. My wife says we need to research all the orthodontists in our area, though, to find the right one. I think she’s going a bit overboard – aren’t all orthodontists capable of the same things?

Dentists are Not Orthodontic Experts

Dentists Are Not Orthodontic Experts

Today, we are seeing more and more quick fixes to solve problems, and correcting a smile is no different. Products like 6 Month Smiles are being touted as easy and fast ways to improve smiles. Not only that, we’re seeing more dentists offering orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign, in their offices.

One might think this is helpful – only having to schedule appointments at one office might save you time and energy, instead of trekking around town to different offices. But Grayslake orthodontist Dr. Michael Stosich warns against trusting anyone other than a licensed orthodontist to perfect your bite.

Braces as Hot New Fashion Accessory?

Braces as Hot New Fashion Accessory

Did you ever think you’d see the day when braces would become the latest fashion trend? There’s good news for all of you currently in orthodontic treatment – that day has arrived!

Models in braces walked the catwalk during last spring’s New York Fashion Week, and graced the cover of a popular fashion magazine. Seventeen-year-old model Kitty Hayes was on the cover of CR Fashion Book, smiling big and proud with her braces and blue ligatures.

Why Pay for Braces as an Adult?

Adult Orthodontics
Peter, the patient
Dear Dr. Stosich,
My wife has been asking me for a few years to get braces. I think it’s a waste of money – she’s had her smile for this long, and it really isn’t this bad. I work hard and I just can’t see why I would need to spend thousands of dollars to just give my wife a prettier smile. It looks fine to me!

Stosich Consulting