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Remember To Wear Your Retainers

Remember To Wear Your Retainer

ROUND LAKE, GRAYSLAKE AND GURNEE, ILLINOIS – The end of your orthodontic treatment has finally arrived. The next step is getting fitted for a retainer.

Retainers are more common than you may think. After the braces come off, many people wear a retainer until their teeth have settled. However, many kids and adults wear retainers for other reasons.

Get Your Mouthguards Ready: It’s National Facial Protection Month

Facial Protection Month

GURNEE, GRAYSLAKE AND ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS – National Facial Protection Month is observed by many dental professionals in April.

This national month-long event is sponsored by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Association of Orthodontists.

March Is National Nutrition Month

March Is National Nutrition Month

WILMETTE, ILLINOIS – March is National Nutrition Month. Sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, this year’s slogan is “Get Your Plate in Shape.”

The food that you choose for your children not only affects their bodies, it can also affect their teeth. Many dental professionals are concerned with the levels of sugar their patients consume.

The Truth About Underbite Correction

Underbite Correction

KENILWORTH AND WILMETTE, ILLINOIS – If you see that your child is suffering from an underbite, call for an orthodontic consultation as soon as possible.

An underbite is a noticeable dental problem, and early intervention is key to correcting the issue without a surgical route. This Class III malocclusion happens when the lower jaw protrudes out over the upper teeth when biting.

The Causes Of Protruding Teeth And How To Fix It


KENILWORTH AND Skokie, ILLINOIS – Protruding teeth can create many problems for you or your child. Correcting them as soon as possible can alleviate difficulties down the road.

Teeth that stick out are more prone to injury and trauma, especially during contact sports. Also, the teeth may wear unevenly, due to their positioning.

Smile and the whole world smiles with you!

Smile and the whole world smiles with you

“A smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world.”

As powerful and easy as a smile is, sometimes the way we feel about ourselves and our appearance make it difficult to complete this powerful action. There are actual psychological benefits to smiling, and by not believing that you have a good smile, it can adversely affect the mental well being of an individual. It can make you want to keep to yourself and become highly self-conscious. On the other hand, having a good smile can add to the personality of an individual.

February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month

National Children’s Dental Health Month

GURNEE, WAUKEGAN AND GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS – “This month we are celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month”, says the Grayslake adult orthodontist, Dr. Michael Stosich.

Each year the American Dental Association sponsors this event to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. The 2012 NCDHM theme is “Rock Your Smile”.

Brush Your Teeth With Braces

Brushing Teeth

People have been brushing their teeth for thousands of years.  In fact, the first “toothbrush” was created around 3000BC.  Studies show that ancient civilizations used a thin twig with a frayed edge to rub against their teeth for cleaning.  Luckily for us, in today’s society we have advanced a lot from that twig!  Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Stosich Consulting