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The Benefits to Clear Aligner Therapy

clear aligner treatment

Kenilworth, IL – Invisalign clear aligners took the orthodontic world by storm when the technology was first introduced in the late 1990s. Not only was Invisalign the first method invented to straighten teeth without the need for brackets and wires, it also was the first to use computer-aided imagery to provide cutting edge treatment.

What’s the Best Way to Correct an Overjet?

buck teeth overjet-orthodontist round lake il

Grayslake, IL – A beautiful smile is a valuable tool – it not only boosts your self-esteem, but it also projects kindness and confidence to those around you. If you have a malocclusion, you may feel self-conscious about your smile and try to hide it. But orthodontic treatment is here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams, no matter what type of malocclusion you may have.

“Overjets, sometimes referred to as buck teeth, occur when the upper teeth protrude outward and sit over the bottom teeth at an angle,” says Dr. Michael Stosich, an orthodontist in Round Lake area.  “An overjet can make it difficult to chew and bite properly, close your lips all the way, and speak properly. Some people with overjets also frequently bite into the insides of their cheeks or their tongue.”

Will Extractions with Braces Leave You Feeling Ugly?

famous people who have done orthodontic treatment

Kenilworth, IL – The role of an orthodontist is to create a beautiful, healthy, smile housed in a bite that functions properly. It’s a delicate balance that involves scientific and careful planning. In some instances, this planning includes extracting teeth to allow for the remaining teeth to move properly to create the best result. Some people may be afraid that extracting teeth may be accomplishing the opposite of what they hope to achieve. Orthodontic treatment creates a prettier smile, but won’t removing healthy teeth do just the opposite? Not so, says Dr. Michael Stosich of Stosich Consulting. “Some people mistakenly believe that tooth...

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How Do Palatal Expanders Work?

palatal expander

Grayslake, IL – Palatal expanders seek to accomplish exactly what the name says – expand the palate. But how exactly does it work, and will your child need one?

A palate that is too narrow can lead to crooked and overcrowded teeth. A palatal expander can be a wonderful option for younger orthodontic patients who have jaws that are still growing. The expander can work to widen the palate to allow for teeth to be realigned with adequate space.

Will I Know if My Child Needs Braces?

child braces

Kenilworth, IL – As your children grow, you no doubt want to stay on top of everything they need to ensure their health and well-being. For some children this will mean visits to an orthodontist to ensure a healthy smile and properly functioning bite. Will you be able to tell if your child needs orthodontic treatment?

Can Orthodontics Help an Impacted Tooth?

impacted tooth and orthodontics

Kenilworth, IL – Orthodontic issues that require treatment come in many forms. We often think of issues such as underbites, overbites and spacing issues, but impacted teeth can affect the function of a person’s smile. But what exactly are impacted teeth, and how can orthodontics help?

“Impacted teeth are teeth that are not able to fully erupt because they are blocked from doing so,” says Round Lake orthodontist, Dr. Michael Stosich. “The impacted tooth is unable to push through the gums, often due to a spacing issue, and discomfort, as well as issues with how the bite is able to function, can occur.”

Can I Choose My Orthodontic Treatment?

choosing treatment option

Kenilworth, IL – Orthodontic treatment is a big step that requires careful consideration and research to choose the best provider for you. When entering into orthodontic treatment, it’s important to choose an experienced provider who can offer the very best in treatment. But it’s also important to choose one who views patients as partners in care, who answers questions and addresses concerns and understands your smile goals.

Are Metal Braces the “In” Thing Today?

blue Ivy in braces

Grayslake, IL – The social media world was recently afire when a picture of Blue Ivy Carter, the daughter of perhaps the most famous parents in the world, Beyonce and Jay-Z, was featured sporting standard metal braces. A debate erupted among social media users – how could these parents, who have so much money and access to the best healthcare in the world, really have their precious Blue Ivy in metal braces?   “It’s quite simple really,” says Dr. Michael Stosich. “Beyonce and Jay-Z clearly did their homework and have an experienced and well-trained orthodontist who knew that metal braces were in...

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Can’t I Just Get Veneers to Perfect My Smile?

veneers instant orthodontics

Kenilworth, IL – Everybody wants a gorgeously straight smile that they can show off, but the idea of months in orthodontic treatment may not seem appealing. Many people may look for other ways to get the smile they want. And, if their only goal in mind is a pretty smile, they may think a cosmetic option such as veneers is ideal. After all, veneers only take a couple visits to your dentist’s office to change the appearance of your smile.


But, while you may think the only thing that is being accomplished during orthodontic treatment is a more cosmetically pleasing smile, you would be wrong. Orthodontic treatment doesn’t just create prettier smiles, it creates healthier and more stable bites.

Stosich Consulting