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Break Those Bad Habits

Bad Oral Habits

Dr. Michael Stosich talks three unhealthy oral habits in children.While it may be cute to watch your little girl suck her thumb to soothe herself when she’s a baby, this habit becomes unhealthy if it is allowed to continue beyond about age 4.

Thumb sucking isn’t the only bad habit that needs breaking in young children. Finger sucking, mouth breathing and tongue thrusting all can usher in a plethora of future oral health complications if uncorrected.

We promote orthodontic evaluation by age 7 here at Stosich Consulting, and these unhealthy oral habits are part of the reason. All of these habits have the potential to cause malocclusions in children. Only by conducting a comprehensive evaluation can we determine if your child’s poor oral habits may lead to future complications.

Clean Teeth = Faster Treatment

GRAYSLAKE & GURNEE, ILLINOIS – You’ve just gotten braces and you’re already counting the days until you get them off.

Do you want to make sure you finish your treatment on time or even a little early? Brush and floss your teeth. Yes, that’s right. A good oral hygiene routine can actually help speed along your treatment. Watch this video to learn how to floss while wearing braces and read the rest of the post for more details about this.

Many Problems Are Easily Corrected When Identified & Treated Early

early treatment

EVANSTON & KENILWORTH, ILLINOIS – For many parents, the line between being overly protective and cavalier is a fine one.

On one hand, you know you shouldn’t run to the dentist for every little toothache your child experiences. On the other hand, you don’t want your child to face a serious orthodontic issue and let it go untreated for too long. But how do you know when to react and when to let it slide?

Investigating the Breast-Feeding & Orthodontic Connection

breast feeding

GRAYSLAKE, SKOKIE AND KENILWORTH, IL – If you were to think breast-feeding and orthodontics have about as much in common as auto mechanics and gardening, you would be wrong.

The February 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association included an article about the oral and general health benefits of breast-feeding, and the results are quite interesting to family orthodontists throughout the country.

The Growth & Development Program Explained

The Growth & Development Program Explained

GRAYSLAKE AND KENILWORTH, ILLINOIS — Dr. Michael Stosich, an orthodontist who treats adults and children, helps patients achieve their ideal smiles through affordable braces treatment.

Sometimes that is best accomplished through what is known at Stosich Consulting as the Growth and Development Program. Through this program, Dr. Stosich wants to see children for an evaluation by their 7th birthday – earlier if your child has unhealthy oral habits you can’t break, or you see something unusual in your child’s bite.

Dr. Stosich Helps Airway Specialist Treat Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

GRAYSLAKE, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS — In addition to his prestigious appointment to the University of Chicago’s craniofacial services team, Dr. Michael Stosich recently was asked to share his orthodontics expertise to help treat children who have obstructive sleep apnea.

Dr. Fuad Baroody, director of pediatric otolaryngology at the University of Chicago, asked Wilmette IL, family orthodontist Dr. Stosich to work with him in the complex airway clinic.

Missing Some Teeth? Grow New Ones!

Gurnee Growing New Teeth

GRAYSLAKE AND KENILWORTH, ILLINOIS — This likely will sound like we’re confusing fact with scenes from a science fiction movie, but rest assured it’s true: researchers are using stem cells to grow new teeth.

This research is particularly near and dear to Dr. Michael Stosich’s heart, because he has an extensive educational background in stem cell research at the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University and University of Illinois. He also has had dozens of papers published on the topic, and he has given presentations on the topic of stem cells in medicine. He has won a number of awards related to his stem cell research, too.

Dr. Stosich Speaks at SureSmile Doctor Symposium

Gurnee Affordable Braces Provider Speaks on SureSmileGRAYSLAKE, Round Lake AND GURNEE, ILLINOIS – Our very own Dr. Michael Stosich had the pleasure of speaking at the first SureSmile Doctor Symposium in Dallas Feb. 21-23.

This inaugural event held at the Ritz-Carlton hotel was the result of requests by experienced SureSmile doctors. It served as a networking and learning event emphasizing peer-to-peer learning through expert case presentations and moderated small group discussion. Approximately 120 orthodontists from throughout the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia attended.

Why Should I Get A Second Opinion Before I Get Braces?

Orthodontist Gurnee Braces

SKOKIE AND ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS — Getting braces for you or your child is a significant expense, so it stands to reason that you would want to ensure you’ve selected the best provider for the job.

Stosich Consulting routinely receives calls from people seeking a second opinion regarding orthodontic treatment for themselves or their children. It is common for people who are considering significant dental care to do so.

Four Orthodontic Problems Best Corrected Early

Four Orthodontic Problems Best Corrected Early

GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS – As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. That includes a healthy and beautiful smile.
Dr. Michael Stosich says there are four orthodontic problems that are most easily corrected at a young age, making it easier (and sometimes cheaper) for you to give your child that confident, healthy smile:

  • Protruding teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Poorly developed jaws
  • Severe crowding

Early orthodontic care can reduce or even eliminate the need for surgery in the future in some cases, such as underbite correction.

Stosich Consulting