8:00 - 19:00

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(847) 986-5693

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We Offer SureSmile

We Offer SureSmile

GRAYSLAKE, Round Lake, GURNEE AND Waukegan, ILLINOIS – Traditional braces can be a long-term commitment for some. Treatments can last an average of two years.

That long time span could be keeping adults and teenagers from getting orthodontic treatment. Many don’t have two years to hand over, and different bumps in the road could prolong treatment longer.

Surprising Facts About Smiles

Surprising Facts About Smiles

Did you know that smiling creates as much pleasure as eating over a thousand of your favorite chocolate bars? According to a study conducted by Hewlett Packard brain waves associated with pleasure and happiness suggest that seeing a person’s smile, especially a loved ones, will boost your mood. At Stosich Consulting, we urge you to smile often! It’s a simple gift to others, yourself, and the world around you.

Importance Of Early Intervention

Importance Of Early Intervention

KENILWORTH AND GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS – Getting your child to a children’s orthodontist early may benefit them in the long run.
Intervening at an early age can provide a timely detection of problems such as an underbite or overbite. Fixing an underbite early can prevent surgery later. Once the patient finishes growing, the protruding lower jaw cannot be pushed back without a surgical route.

First Visit Is Free

First Visit Is Free

GURNEE AND GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS – Orthodontics provider Dr. Michael Stosich and his team of trained, experienced professionals offer adult braces and give a complimentary consultation for anyone in the Round Lake, Gurnee, Waukegan and Grayslake, IL area.

No matter what age you are, it is never too late to begin orthodontic treatment. We are excited to meet new faces when they come into our office.

Stosich Consulting